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Saturday, July 26, 2008

McCall Idaho Part 1.........And Surgery Update

First off, I would like to thank all of you who wrote me to wish me luck on my surgery. I was overwhelmed by all of your support. It's a long story, but my surgery had to be postponed until later and so for now I'm feeling great. :) I'm not sure what will happen or if the surgery will happen we will just have to wait and see for now. Thanks again for all of you support and concerns!

And now to something more fun! Are little family went on vacation a couple of weeks ago and we had so much fun and I took way to many pictures. It's going to be quite the task to edit them all.

McCall Idaho was a place were my family used to go when I was growing up. I love this place. It has so many memories for me and it is beyond beautiful. I was excited to share this place with my little family. Brent and Ashlee loved it. This is probably the last time we will be up here because the family cabin is going up for sale. So, we took advantage of a free cabin and created our own memories. Enjoy Part 1!!!

Payette Lake

These two were inseparable.

I love pictures that show how tiny and sweet our children are. They look up to us and we are there to love, protect and guide them. Someone once said,"Treasure these moments because they will be gone in a blink of an eye."

1 comment:

Shelbi Whittaker said...

Hey Janelle. I just saw that you were having surgery for your endometriosis. Im sorry! I also have severe endo. and I have had the surgery about 3 or 4 times. Its no fun, but the surgery isnt to bad and it definetly helps. Everytime Ive had it done ive gottem pregnant a few months later. Which was always good for me because we had to try so much to get pregnant. Well...let me know if you need anything. Your little girl is adorable!!