So these aren't exactly all from McCall, but I won't tell if you won't! :) Enjoy the rest of the pictures. I took way more, but these were my absolute favorites. Oh and ignore the no make-up on my part. When I'm on vacation I usually take a vacation from make-up. Don't get me wrong, I put makeup on when we go somewhere nice, but when we are just out and usually exploring I ditch the makeup routine. Does anyone else do this or am I just crazy? I hate wasting time getting ready when I can be having more FUN!!!
Here's my daughter doing what she does best.... Eating Ice Cream!!

Doesn't she look angelic here? I love this picture.

This picture cracks me up! Take a look at our new addition to our family. My daughter insisted she be in the picture. *sigh*

We found this incredible patch of purple wildflowers while driving so, of course we pulled over and Brent obliged me in another round of pictures.

Not the most perfect picture, but when you don't have a tripod and all you have is some rocks or a bench to set your camera on..... This is as good as it gets.

My daughter picked these flowers for me

Where's Waldo? That's what this picture reminds me of.

We were able to visit my Grandparents for a few days. I loved being able to share childhood memories with my husband and daughter.
I love your sunburst you little show off! You are seriously so talented. I'm still up for trading if you are... Maybe I'll have you stand in for me so everyone thinks I got cute and skinny! :)
Fun Vacation. Great pictures, lucky you look awesome without makeup.
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