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Friday, March 21, 2008

Newborn Bliss!

Can I just say how much I love photographing newborns! This one was no exception. He was so perfect and check out all that hair! I LOVE IT! You can tell his brothers are so happy to have him. He's going to fit in quite well.


Cari Florence said...

Janelle I am in awe of how amazing you are at taking photos! I swear every time I look at your blog I cannot believe the gorgeous photos you've taken!! you're amazing :) I hope I can learn to take pictures as well as you can some day!

Jen and Bryan said...

Janelle, your pictures are looking SO amazing!!! I would SO hire you!

Jen and Bryan said...

By the way, this is Jennifer from Wendy's class. :)

Coree Adams said...

Oh my goodness, it makes me want to have another one just to get pictures done!!!