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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

First Day of School

The moment has finally come. Our Dear Daughter is in Pre-School and has left her poor Mom all by herself. She on the other hand is having the time of her life. She's meeting new friends and doing all the fun things kids get to do in Pre-School. It seems only yesterday that I was holding her in my arms as a sweet newborn. She is the reason I ever got into photography. I want to capture and always remember our moments. I love you sweetheart!


Her Dad brought home flowers for her to celebrate her first day in school. When she saw them she was so exited! We put the flowers in a small vase that sits on her table in the playroom. Isn't her Dad the best!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

McCall Idaho Part 1.........And Surgery Update

First off, I would like to thank all of you who wrote me to wish me luck on my surgery. I was overwhelmed by all of your support. It's a long story, but my surgery had to be postponed until later and so for now I'm feeling great. :) I'm not sure what will happen or if the surgery will happen we will just have to wait and see for now. Thanks again for all of you support and concerns!

And now to something more fun! Are little family went on vacation a couple of weeks ago and we had so much fun and I took way to many pictures. It's going to be quite the task to edit them all.

McCall Idaho was a place were my family used to go when I was growing up. I love this place. It has so many memories for me and it is beyond beautiful. I was excited to share this place with my little family. Brent and Ashlee loved it. This is probably the last time we will be up here because the family cabin is going up for sale. So, we took advantage of a free cabin and created our own memories. Enjoy Part 1!!!

Payette Lake

These two were inseparable.

I love pictures that show how tiny and sweet our children are. They look up to us and we are there to love, protect and guide them. Someone once said,"Treasure these moments because they will be gone in a blink of an eye."

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Out of Office

I will be out of the office from July 12-20. If you send me any emails or leave me any messages and I don't get back to you, please don't think I forgot you!! I promise I will get back to you as soon as I'm back in the office!

And since I don't have any super exciting pictures to post, your stuck with a goofy one of me. This is a self portrait that you DO NOT want to know how long it took for me to get this.
*Note to self: Do not think you can be your own photographer! :)*

Monday, July 7, 2008

Sneak Peek

This little lady just turned one and was so much fun to photograph. So, we pulled out the famous tutu and wings and had a blast. Her Mom is so cute, she makes the most adorable headbands and bracelets which gets me so excited because I LOVE all the glam. It makes for super fun pictures. She is such a sweetheart and those eyes are going to cause problems for her parents in a few years. Jenny this is for you. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy Fourth of July

Happy Fourth of July everyone!!! Our family had a chance to all get together and stay up in a condo in Peoria, AZ. It was crazy hot, but swimming was fantastic. I love holidays and being with family. Ashlee and her Nephew were able to go on a pony ride. When Ashlee first saw the horse she said "I'm Scared!" After that, I thought for sure she wouldn't even touch the horse let alone ride it, but she surprised me and decided that she was going to be brave and ride the horse. As soon as she was on, her smile never left her face. She and her nephew looked so cute and tiny on top of that big horse. It's a memory I never want to forget. They only stay small for a short amount of time. Enjoy the pictures!

Our sweet niece!