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Monday, June 30, 2008

Wedding Storyboards

I've been waiting to post these because I didn't want anyone to see these before the reception. These are two storyboards that I created as part of the decor for the lovely couple's reception. They turned out beautiful and I wanted to share this with you.

This is one of the perks of doing your bride and groom pictures a few weeks before your wedding day.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Some Surgery news.

So I just found out that I get to have some surgery in July. Yay for me right?! It turns out I have some endometriosis and need to have it removed because it's causing a lot of problems. So, because of this I will only have from now until July 12th to book any photo shoots. After that I will not be scheduling any more until after the first week in August. So for any of you interested in booking an appointment before the 12th please let me know. I only plan on being out of commission from July 12th-Aug 5th I will still be answering emails and taking phone calls during my recovery so don't hesitate to do either.

Don't worry about me. I'm tough although my husband may beg to differ. :)


Beautiful Sedona. At least that was what I was hoping for. :) I had planned this trip with my family for weeks. I even rented a lens. Want to know what happened?...............

My Daughter got sick the day before with a BAD cold. So you ask, did I stay home? Nope, and the trip ended up being a bust. Although it was great to be with my family and spend some time taking pictures with my Dad, having a sick child made the trip really interesting. The poor thing was miserable and she didn't hesitate to let you know. I've learned my lesson.......


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sorry for the MIA

I know it's been too long since my last post. I've been sick, my daughter has been sick and well life sorta went chaotic for me. I had a chance to go to Sedona about 2 weeks ago with my family and all the pictures are still sitting on my camera. Ashlee was sick the entire time we were in Sedona making vacation very miserable for the both of us. I'll post pictures soon with the entire story to go with it. In the meantime.... here is a recent favorite. Enjoy!

I also have something exciting that I've been working on and can't wait to share, so stay tuned......

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

More From Recent Session

I had so many favorites from this session that I felt I needed to share more. Isn't she just stunning!